Valio’s Climate Programme - Skip to content
Valio’s Climate Programme


Valio’s Climate Programme

Valio’s ambitious climate programme consists of concrete actions to cut the carbon footprint of milk to zero by 2035. The challenge is not an easy one, because food production generates emissions that cannot be completely avoided. So, how to cut production chain emissions without offsetting them?

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Tools we have developed

We actively support our dairy farmers in the reduction of emissions. We have developed Valio Carbo® Farm Calculator to help each farm measure the carbon footprint of their raw milk. The results of the individual farms are used to estimate the total carbon footprint of the milk received by Valio. The calculation model was developed by Valio and is based on IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) recommendations. The model has been certified by the independent Carbon Trust organisation. In addition to the carbon footprint, the calculator is used to calculate acidification and eutrophication potential.

Below we have outlined the emissions reduction targets and what we are doing to get our milk carbon footprint to zero by 2035.

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Valio’s emissions reductions

Valio’s emissions reductions

We are reducing our emissions in line with our climate roadmap. By 2022, Valio Finland’s total emissions had decreased by 10% from year 2019. Our climate targets are science-based.
