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Animal welfare


Animal welfare

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We measure milk quality at many points on its journey from the farm to the dairy. The milk producer monitors milk quality for each cow and the milk temperature in the farm’s tank. Collection drivers inspect the milk’s temperature, smell and appearance, and take samples of the milk. Only milk that meets the requirements can be pumped into the vehicle’s tank. Farm-specific samples are analysed for their composition and bacterial count, among other things. Drivers test the milk for residues of antimicrobial drugs before it is delivered to the production plant’s silo. In 2019, 97.6 percent of Valio Group’s milk was held at the highest quality rating, E.

We have zero tolerance for antibiotic residue in milk.

Looking after the health and wellbeing of animals is close to the hearts of dairy farmers Kati Montonen and Markku Pippuri. In addition to 30 dairy cows, the farm manages young stock, cultivates 110 hectares of fields with no outside help, works hard with snow ploughing, and organises cabin rentals.
