Dairy-based protein solutions Skip to content
Protein milkshake.


The health benefits of high-protein food and drinks are starting to appeal to mainstream consumers. People are looking for products that are a natural and convenient source of high-quality protein and can be enjoyed as a healthy snack.

Milk protein contains all of the nine amino acids essential for the body and is therefore a “complete” protein. The high-protein content of Valio Eila® MPC 65 makes it perfect for products requiring an increased level of high-quality protein or sport nutrition products.

Application areas: Dairy, Ice cream, Bakery, Confectionery, Nutritional supplements.


Protein hits the sweet spot of many consumer trends and offer potential with expanding consumer base, new usage occasions and permissible indulgent. Snacking and preference for “better-for-you” choices are growing and offer significant business growth in many food and beverage categories.


Production of high-protein products with excellent texture and taste can be very challenging because
of an undesirable off-taste and graininess of texture.

Our solution

We have developed recipes with Valio Eila® specialty milk powders that provide reformulation of products quickly. Our solution can easily be incorporated for example into your current dairy production processes and does not compromise the sensory properties of the products. We can help you in designing recipes, so that you can manufacture high-protein products efficiently and accurately with the optimal composition of ingredients.

MPC 65

The future of protein is here!

Get ready to make the tastiest and smoothest protein-enriched products. Valio Eila® MPC 65 is lactose free and adds all the benefits of milk’s natural whey and casein proteins and amino acids into your protein smoothies, puddings and more. High in protein has never tasted so good.

The proof is in the HIGH-PROTEIN DRINK

Our new protein product portfolio is crafted to meet the rising consumer demand for great-tasting snacking products. Lactose free Valio Eila® MPC 65 can be used to create high-protein products that have excellent flavour and mouthfeel without compromising on nutritional values.

Want to test a sample? Contact our sales team.

Family sitting on a terace.

Special nutrition

People at different points in their life benefit from protein in different ways when they eat foodstuffs that contain protein as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. You should pay attention to your protein intake for example if you are on a diet, for example, or if want to control your weight, work out actively or are ageing.

Milk has a mix of nutrients and excellent protein for everyday life

  • During childhood and youth: For normal growth and building bone structure
  • For exercise and sports: For growing muscle tissue
  • During pregnancy: For foetal growth and development
  • For weight loss: For maintaining muscle tissue and bone structure
  • For aging people: For maintaining muscle mass

Protein and exercise

Those of us who work out actively benefit from protein in our everyday life not only as a good source of energy, but because it contributes to the maintenance and growth of muscle mass. Fitness enthusiasts and athletes are interested about whey protein and its effects on performance and recovery.

Protein is also beneficial for dieters and in weight management

Protein can provide those of us watching our weight with a variety of benefits. Protein contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass also during dieting. Foods that contain protein also add wholesomeness to a diet regimen.

Protein helps maintain muscle mass when ageing

The diet of elderly people must be varied to support well-being and functionality. Besides the sufficient intake of energy, it is important to ensure that you get enough protein. Protein contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass and bones, and thereby the overall well-being of an elderly person as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Emma Laivisto

Emma Laivisto

Head of Distributor Sales Special nutrition
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High-protein dairy

Protein-enriched dairy products with excellent texture and taste

Protein is an essential nutrient in the human diet. High-protein foods are gaining in popularity among mainstream consumers because of their health benefits. Thus, they offer new commercial potential for dairy manufacturers.

Dairy products, in particular, are a natural and effective source of protein. However, high-protein dairy goods are challenging to manufacture because added protein often gives dairy products an undesirable taste and grainy texture. We at Valio have solved this problem; therefore, we can help dairy manufacturers produce high-protein dairy products with excellent texture and taste.

High-protein dairy products that taste good and have excellent sensory properties

Our solution can easily be incorporated into your current dairy production processes and does not compromise the sensory properties of the products. We can help you in designing recipes and processes, so that you can manufacture high-protein dairy products efficiently and accurately with the optimal composition of ingredients.

Indulgence products and the high-protein trend – protein products are going mainstream

We are currently witnessing a protein boom, and not just in a fitness-oriented target group but among all consumers. As a result, the market for products with a ‘protein source’ claim is growing rapidly. The protein boom is especially strong in younger generations, which builds a solid foundation for long-term growth in protein enriched products.

Protein is a component that consumers want to add more of into their diet, also in the indulgence category. High-protein indulgence products, such as chocolate puddings, help consumers balance between deliciousness and healthy connotations. Meet the trend of protein enriched and nutritious food products by adding the benefits of high-quality milk protein to your portfolio.

Dennis van der Veer

Dennis van der Veer

Head of Customer Development Dairy, Beverages and Lactose Free Technologies
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Valio protein white paper.

Unlock the business potential of the protein trend

In our new white paper, you will learn why:

  • Protein hits the sweet spot of many better-for-you trends
  • Consumers increasingly turn to healthy high-protein snacks
  • Milk products are a great nutritional source of protein Valio is uniquely qualified to assist you in creating high-protein dairy products

