New Valio Finnish consumer products start 2022 with delicious ease - Skip to content


New Valio Finnish consumer products start 2022 with delicious ease


New Valio Finnish consumer products for the start of the year are now in the shops. Pick up the cornerstones of plant-based cooking or the best cheese for pizza Friday, for example. If you have a sweet tooth, you will enjoy baking mango and passionfruit flavoured treats or dipping your spoon in delicious yoghurts.

Tasty tips for all kitchens

The start of the year looks exceptionally varied for cooking enthusiasts, with new products that will resonate with cooks of all kinds. The realm of plant-based cooking is expanding with the new Valio Oddlygood® Dream Fraiche and Mieto unflavoured gurt products, which are used like crème fraîche and yoghurt, respectively.

Here by popular demand, Valio Koskenlaskija® Ruoka&Dippi Strong 14% is a lighter addition to the product selection. Therefore, this shortcut to soups, pasta sauces and burgers for the start of the year is light but flavoursome. There is also another product with plenty of tradition that has been renewed: Valio crème fraîche has become additive-free and organic! Passionate pizza lovers will be interested in the Mozzarella-fontal cheese crumbs whose juicy and stretchy character is perfect for pizza.

And then a word about main courses: Valio MiFU® strips now tickle the taste buds in tikka masala flavour. Try these strips in dishes where you would normally use chicken strips. The strips get a crispy fried surface in minutes, so cooking certainly won’t take long.

And what about bakers? We haven’t forgotten about them! We’ve introduced a Valio quark flavoured with mango and passionfruit to provide inspiration for baking at Easter and other times. You’ll find an AR code on the side of the package, which you can scan to surf straight to delicious recipes.

A snack to take your mind on a journey

It’s always a good idea to stock the fridge with suitable snacks to keep your mood up and avoid the doldrums. You can now spread low-fat Valio Oivariini® three oils on your slice of bread. The dynamic oil trio of avocado, pumpkin seed and rapeseed has a delicate green hue and a softly roasted flavour.

The popular Valiojogurtti® Flavours of the World range offers delicious, changing flavour combinations from around the world. This time, the culinary journey takes us to Japan to enjoy cherry and strawberry. Close your eyes and find your inner Zen.

Wanting a treat more than usual? Then be sure to try the new Valio Herkku cream yoghurts, available in crème brûlée and stracciatella flavours. Or grab a Valio Herkku caramel mousse.

Again, there are so many new products on offer that we haven’t even mentioned them all here. So check out all our new products here.

Tasty recipes are here!

Valio Test Kitchen’s innovative food experts turn current food trends and our new cooking products into easily approachable recipes. Find our recipes in the order of creation here. (in Finnish) The recipes can be searched in a variety of ways, for example, by diet or ingredient.

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