New chairman and four new dairy farmer members to Valio’s Supervisory Board - Skip to content


New chairman and four new dairy farmer members to Valio’s Supervisory Board

Valion hallintoneuvosto

Valio Ltd‘s General Meeting was held in Helsinki on 24 April 2024. The meeting confirmed Valio Ltd’s financial statement and Group accounts for 2023 as well as granted discharge to the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board members, and the CEO. Valio’s Supervisory Board organised after the General Meeting. Mikko Heikkinen from Lapinlahti was elected as the new chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Valio Ltd will pay a dividend of EUR 113.22 per share on share capital registered on 31 December 2023.

Authorised Public Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy was chosen as the auditor.

Of Valio Ltd’s 13 shareholders, 7 were represented at the General Meeting.

Four new members to Valio’s Supervisory Board

Valio’s Supervisory Board consists of 27 members, four of whom are personnel representatives.

The number of dairy farmer members in Valio’s Supervisory Board was confirmed to be unchanged at 23 members. Supervisory Board positions are divided as follows among the owner-cooperatives: Osuuskunta Maitosuomi 10, Osuuskunta Länsi-Maito 3, Osuuskunta Pohjolan Maito 4 and Osuuskunta Tuottajain Maito 6.

Farmer Hanna Kaihoniemi from Kitee, farmer Petri Hovi from Lappeenranta, farmer Jari Pitkämäki from Kauhava, and farmer Mika Tervo from Pukkila were elected as new members to the Valio Supervisory Board.

New chairman for Valio’s Supervisory Board

Farmer Esa Kotala from Lapua, who has chaired the Supervisory Board since 2018, stepped down from the chairmanship. Farmer Mikko Heikkinen from Lapinlahti became the new chairman, effective 24.4.2024. Heikkinen has served as Osuuskunta Maitosuomi’s chairman since its establishment in 2019 and prior to that as chairman of board of directors of Osuuskunta ItäMaito. Farmer Satu Pulkka from Vieremä continues as the vice chairman.

Valio Ltd Supervisory Board 2024:

Mikko Heikkinen, farmer, Lapinlahti, chairman
Satu Pulkka, farmer, Vieremä, vice chairman
Mats Broända, farmer, Kruunupyy
Hannu Gröhn, farmer, Nurmes
Pekka Halinen, farmer, Mikkeli
Arto Heikkinen, farmer, Pyhäntä
Jari Hekkala, farmer, Kalajoki
Petri Hovi, farmer, Lappeenranta
Mikko Huuskonen*, specialist, Suonenjoki
Hanna Kaihoniemi, farmer, Kitee
Ari Kantonen, farmer, Taipalsaari
Ritva Kokkonen*, food worker, Suonenjoki
Matti Kivelä, farmer, Sysmä
Otto Kokkila, farmer, Petäjävesi
Katariina Lampela, farmer, Tervola
Matti Leikkanen, farmer, Sastamala
Lassi Mäkinen, farmer, Lieto
Petri Natunen, farmer, Joroinen
Markus Ojanperä*, production specialist, Seinäjoki
Jari Pitkämäki, farmer, Kauhava
Ismo Puurunen*, quality specialist, Lapinlahti
Jukka Rahja, farmer, Kalajoki
Antti Saari, farmer, Lapua
Vesa Seppä, farmer, Sastamala
Mika Tervo, farmer, Pukkila
Juha Törmä, farmer, Tyrnävä
Päivi Ylä-Outinen, farmer, Lappeenranta

*) Personnel representative

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