Autumn brings delicious new Valio products and even less plastic - Skip to content


Autumn brings delicious new Valio products and even less plastic

Mifu vegepullat tomaattikastikkeessa 920

New Valio products for the Finnish market area are here! The autumn everyday food season starts with an appetising vegetarian steak. The hunger for snacks is satisfied with organic foods or without added sugar, and a family favourite cheese is now available in a handy snack size. The environment benefits by a reduced amount of plastic and increased use of recycled plastic in Valio PROfeel®  protein snacks and sliced cheese packaging.

Valio MiFU® vegetarian steaks are succulent and can be shaped

Valio MiFU® steaks are a 100% plant-based novelty for those in search of an easy, tasty meal! Made of pea protein and rapeseed oil, the steaks have a succulent taste and a meaty mouthfeel. Valio MiFU® vegetarian steaks can be fried, baked in the oven or grilled. The steaks are cooked until crisp and tasty in just a few minutes. They are soy-free and gluten-free, making them suitable for many diets and a favourite for the whole family. Try the steaks in dishes that normally use minced beef steaks. The steaks can also be shaped into “meatballs” before cooking.

For satisfying a little hunger

Valio Oltermanni® cheese is now available in convenient snack form. The cheese pieces are individually packaged and are great as a healthy lunch or snack. They can be kept at room temperature for up to eight hours, so they are ideal for packing in your backpack, for example, or as a workout snack. The individually packed pieces are sold in a resealable bag. All Valio Oltermanni® cheeses are made from Finnish milk and do not contain additives.

Snacks as you want them

Valio Luonnonjogurtti+™ mango and papaya, and apple and pear are fresh and fruity natural yoghurts in drinkable form. They do not not contain added sugar, sweeteners, fruit juice or honey.

Want to enjoy a gluten-free, plant-based snack or a cup of coffee? Did you know that Valio Oddlygood® oat-based yoghurts and Valio Oddlygood® Barista coffee oat drink are now made from gluten-free Finnish oats? Already at the start of the summer we launched a smaller-sized (0.75 litre) Valio Oddlygood® Barista oat drink, which is available from the cold shelf in shops.

Delicious treats for festive moments

As the autumn days turn shorter, little treats can brighten things up wonderfully. Valio Jäätelöfabriikki’s two new icecreams – mocha and toffee, and lemon and liquorice – will be hard to resist. Or how about AURA® gingerbread biscuits, a well-established Christmas classic?  

Plum-lovers now have a new treat in store in the form of Valio Herkku plum mousse, which is just the right size and flavour to satisfy a craving. If you want to add a perfectly plummy flavour to your baking, Valio’s plum and cinnamon quark is just what you need.And don’t forget savoury delights! Valio AURA® Gold, Valio Hienoin Alppi Kreivi® and Valio Hienoin Juhla Cheddar® cheeses are available only for the Christmas season. These fine festive cheeses have been painstakingly matured for longer than normal by our cheese masters. Valio Viola® AURA® cream cheese is a deliciously convenient accompaniment for crunchy-crusted bread or savoury biscuits, or for making a sandwich cake with the fantastic taste of Finland’s best-loved blue cheese.

Discover all of Valio’s new products for the Finnish market area

Less plastic, more recycled plastic

Plastic is needed for all food products that keep for a long time, as without the plastic protection the food would spoil before it even reaches the home fridge. Packaging has a vitally important task – to prevent food waste, which is a major environmental hazard. Plastic becomes a problem if it ends up in nature. Valio is determined to reduce the amount of plastic used for packaging and to increase the proportion of recycled plastic used. All our packaging is recyclable.

During the autumn, we will discontinue the use of covers with plastic spoons for Valio PROfeel® quarks and puddings. This reduces the amount of plastics used in these packages by a whopping 44 per cent. That means about 150,000 kg of plastic a year, an amount that corresponds to about seven million plastic bags!We are also making a partial shift to recycled plastic packaging for all of Valio’s cheese slices, and their overall plastic content is also being reduced. More than 55 per cent of packaging material is made from recycled plastic in Finland. Thinner packaging saves 70,000 kg of plastic per year. Thinner packaging is easier to squeeze into a small area to save space in rubbish bins and in rubbish transportation.

Read more about package development at Valio

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