Ultrapure milk powder for the most demanding IMF production needs - valio.com Skip to content
Ultrapure milk powder for demanding IMF production needs

Products and applications

Ultrapure milk powder for demanding IMF production needs

Valio launches new infant-grade skimmed milk powder for dry blend production – Valio Prime SMP.

Valio Prime SMP offers exceptional pureness to dry blending IMF production

Find out the secrets behind Valio’s new, exceptionally pure skimmed milk powder, specially designed for dry blending IMF production – Valio Prime SMP.

Find out the secrets behind the exceptional pureness of Valio prime smp

Contact Sari to hear first hand how this new product enables IMF manufacturers to streamline their production with dry blending.

Sari Vahla

Sari Vahla

Head of sales Customised Nutrition
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