Dairy solutions for dairy and beverages Skip to content

Dairy and beverages

Taste and flavour are still the top key reason for consuming dairy, with healthiness and natural ingredients acting as the next most important drivers. With an arsenal of 300 patents and market-proven technologies we can assist in developing more nutritional, high protein and sugar-reduced products or entering the lactose free market.

Digestive wellness and lactose free

Dairy favourites with digestive wellness alongside good nutritional properties.

Expand your product range by adding lactose free products that taste just as good or better than regular products. Valio Eila® lactose free technology and specialty powders are ideal for manufacturing a large variety of lactose free dairy products. They deliver valuable milk nutrients, proteins, and minerals along with the natural taste of milk.

Woman eating yogurt.

World-leading expertise in lactose free milk technology

Digestive wellness and gut-friendly foods are driving growth and opening new business possibilities for dairies. About 70% of the population globally are lactose intolerant, and consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the relationship between lactose-free dairy and digestive comfort. Lactose intolerant or not, people are not willing to compromise on either taste or nutrition. This reality offers a range of opportunities for food manufacturers – from premium offerings to innovative product development with concrete consumer benefits.

Sugar reduction

Lower carbohydrate levels without artificial sweeteners

Valio has developed solutions for sugar reduction. With Valio ingredients, application and process know-how, dairy manufacturers can reduce sugar levels without having to use artificial sweeteners.


Consumer trends and regulatory requirements drive to develop new reduced sugar products.

Valio’s solution for dairy processing reduces sugar levels in a way that does not compromise other important product sensory qualities. There are options to reduce the total sugar level without compromising the taste. Or options to increase sweetness without increasing the total sugar level. Our technical experts are happy to help design the recipes and processes.


High-protein dairy products with excellent sensory properties

High-protein dairy goods are challenging to manufacture because added protein often gives dairy products an undesirable taste and grainy texture. We have solved this problem, and we can help dairy manufacturers produce high-protein dairy products with excellent texture and taste.

Protein products are going mainstream

Market for products with a ‘protein source’ claim is growing rapidly. Protein is a component that consumers want to add more of into their diet, also in the indulgence category. High-protein indulgence products, such as chocolate puddings, help consumers balance between deliciousness and healthy connotations.

You no longer have to compromise flavour and texture to create high-protein dairy. With Valio’s new protein concept, you can make lactose free products that are high in protein and taste just as good as fresh dairy.



Dennis van der Veer

Dennis van der Veer

Head of Customer Development Dairy, Beverages and Lactose Free Technologies
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