We only changed the name, everything else is unchanged!
Valio Viola has changed its name. From today, Valio Viola is called Valio Processed Cheese. It is under this name that you will find this product in a convenient store near you. Everything else will remain unchanged: taste, texture, recipe and quality of raw materials. Valio’s processed cheese is still made from Finnish milk through time-tested processes.
Oltermanni®, the most popular cheese in Finland
Valio Oltermanni® cheese has had a special place in Finnish families since 1980. This type of cheese, the most popular in Finland, is made from pure Finnish milk without additives at Valio’s Haapavesi cheese factory. This is a high quality soft creamy cheese that is perfect for both morning and evening.
Butter Valio, unique flavor
Valio butter is distinguished by its uniform texture and exceptional taste, based on traditional production and refined over four generations.
Health and nutrition
Do you have questions about protein intake? Wondering how much protein you should get per day? Go to the link and see the answers to your questions!