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As the world’s most innovative dairy and food company, we at Valio are excited to share our passion, insight, and expertise. Find out more about our innovative R&D and value-adding dairy ingredients.

Expert insights

Making the smartest – and also most enjoyable – choices when it comes to what we eat is a topic of increasing importance for millions of consumers every year. Keeping pace with this growing interest, and also driving it, are new understandings and innovations emerging from the latest nutritional research. Expert Insights from Valio is a new series of highly-focused discussions between leading food researchers about the latest nutritional insights and the products they are inspiring.

Fresh Finnish thinking

Innovative, healthy dairy products and ingredients.

Traceability. Technology. Innovation.

Watch what makes Valio the the only Nobel prize winning dairy company.

Solutions & innovations

Want to know more about lactose intolerance?

Our Senior Research Scientist Tuula Tuure (PhD) explains why it would be a healthier option to replace normal dairy with lactose free and low lactose products.

Over 70 years of R&D in infant nutrition

“Milk fat is a treasure chest of bioactive components with many benefits for infants,” Dr. Anu Turpeinen explains.

The six food trends

Check out our Consumer Insight Manager Dr. Kevin Deegan introducing the six food trends to sweep the market.

Valio butter for better baked goods

The goodness of real, natural butter cannot be substituted in professional baking according to Mika Parviainen, Bakery Consultant at Valio Food Solutions.

Launch lactose free milk without heavy upfront investment

Harri Kallioinen, Senior Vice President, Research & Development, gives you a sneak peek to the subject.

What is lactose intolerance?

Dr Matti Harju, the man behind lactose free milk, explains.

What makes Valio’s sugar reduction solution so interesting and good?

Hear what Sales Manager Niina Gerritsen has to say.

A dairy cooperative owned by Finnish farmers

Pure Valio milk from top of EU

The northernmost milk in the EU is produced in the Finnish Lapland above the Arctic Circle. This unique environment with its clean nature is also where the purest of milk comes from.

Johan Wasström, Dairy Farm Owner

“It’s really rewarding to see healthy animals and knowing that you’re producing good, clean products for consumers”, Johan Wasström.

Eija Huusko, Dairy Farm Owner

“Why do I like cows? They have their own personalities. They have their good and bad days”, Eija Huusko.

Cows enjoying winter at Mustaniemi farm

At Mustaniemi farm, all cows over 6 months old have free access to an enclosed outdoor space all year around.
