New food trends offer commercial benefits for bakeries - Skip to content
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New food trends offer commercial benefits for bakeries

New food trends offer commercial benefits for bakeries

Consumers crave comprehensive well-being and ease of choices and shopping. Today, food also functions as an extension of individual and social identity. The digital world has brought international trends of the bakery industry onto everyone’s screens; the importance of social media when making a purchase decision is growing. Here’s a look at bakeries and the opportunities these trends offer.

  • Clean label and natural image: Short and simple ingredients list with natural ingredients, no E numbers, and all sustainably sourced.
  • Healthier snacking and expansion of the product range with nutritional benefits: Adding more protein, reducing sugar, carbs, or fat. Responding to special diets such as lactose-free and gluten-free.
  • Special holidays and existing phenomena to be utilized in the production of special bakery products.
  • Quality assurance at every stage around the year and right on-time deliveries.

Make better-for-you products without compromising on taste or texture

Health-conscious people want to avoid artificial additives or ingredients they don’t recognize. Products made from familiar, understandable ingredients and with minimal processing meet consumer expectations for clean-label products. Transparent and sustainable production chains are also of interest to consumers.

Consumers become more attentive to their health and will be keen to boost their well-being. This is true for bakeries as well: with bakery products often associated with snacks, consumers will want products that offer genuine nutritional value, such as high protein or reduced sugar bakery products.

Valio’s solutions:

  • Increase protein levels of your products.
  • Reduce sugar without artificial ingredients.
  • Reduce lactose level for digestive wellbeing.
  • Replace gluten with high quality milk protein.
  • Offer a natural choice with no artificial additives.
  • Maintain stable texture, pleasant mouthfeel and prolonged shelf life.

Bake your way to success

Our team of professionals are available to discuss business opportunities related to our professional baking solutions.

Mari Grewall

Mari Grewall

Account Manager Bakery, Ingredients, Oceania, Middle East and North Africa
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