Introducing Valio Mineval — the new clean label milk powder for baking - Skip to content
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Introducing Valio Mineval™ — the new clean label milk powder for baking

Introducing Valio Mineval™ — the new clean label milk powder for baking
Terhi Aaltonen
Terhi Aaltonen
Senior Research Scientist

Terhi is innovative R&D professional with “yes I can“ attitude. Her main focus is in application development of industrial ingredients.

Valio Mineval™ is an all-new functional milk powder designed to help bakers naturally improve the stability, taste, texture, and nutritional value of their new enticing baked goods, bound to delight their customers.

Consumers look for products that offer them safety, tastiness and nutritional value while allowing them to avoid E numbers and artificial additives. Clean label baked goods bring reassurance that only real and authentic ingredients were used in formulation. Valio Mineval™ milk powder is a specialised functional powder that provides customers with a tool to create their own value-added clean label products. It is a natural way to improve the stability, texture, taste, and nutritional value of food products.

Valio Mineval™ milk powder enhances heat stability, extends product shelf life, prevents water separation, improves texture, replaces additives, and has a positive taste profile in different food applications.

Figure 1. Volumes of breads made without and with Valio Mineval™. Specific volume increased significantly when Valio Mineval™ was added.
Figure 2. Hardness of control breads and breads made with Valio Mineval™ in 1 day and 4 days old breads. Valio Mineval™ improved texture by softening it.
Content of breadsControl breadBread with Mineval™
Protein (%)7.414.8
Carbohydrates (%)64.261.2
Fat (%)7.27.2
Energy (prot)/Total energy (%)816

Table 1. Protein level can be increased with Valio Mineval™ in bread making

Functional benefits of Valio Mineval™ 

  • Improves heat stability and prevents protein coagulation
  • Replaces additives
  • Improves texture and structure
  • Extends product shelf-life through increased homogenisation pressure
  • Prevents whey syneresis
  • Positive taste profile compared to sodium caseinate and other additives
  • Reduces costs and improves customer satisfaction
  • Offers clean label solutions

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Mari Grewall

Mari Grewall

Account Manager Bakery, Ingredients, Oceania, Middle East and North Africa
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Clean label trend is evolving and consumers willing to pay a price premium

Consumer surveys show that consumers associate clean label products with the use of natural, healthier ingredients and, increasingly, transparent sourcing. They also reveal a greater willingness to pay more for products with clean label.
