Information about Bovaer® feed supplement

We have received inquiries about the Bovaer® feed supplement and its use on Valio’s dairy farms. At the moment, there is a lot of misinformation online about the feed supplement. t’s important to follow information on the subject only from trusted sources. We have compiled the most important facts here.
At Valio, we carry out ambitious, science-based climate work, and our goal is to further reduce the climate impact of milk production in many ways. However, food safety and animal welfare are always our first priority. The safety of our products is the foundation of our entire business. We are constantly working with Valio employees, dairy farms and our partners to provide safe and high-quality food every day.
Extensive studies have shown that Bovaer ® is safe for animals and humans
Only authorised feed supplements may be used for animal nutrition in Finland and the EU. All authorised feed additives undergo the EFSA’s rigorous safety assessment to ensure it is safe for animals, people and the environment.
Bovaer® feed supplement, manufactured by the Dutch company DSM-Firmenich, is one way to reduce the climate impact of milk production. Bovaer® is approved for use in dairy cattle feed in more than 60 countries worldwide to reduce methane emissions, and it is widely used in several EU countries. Using this feed supplement can reduce the amount of methane emissions generated by the digestion of cows by 30% and thus promote climate resilience in the agricultural sector.
DSM-Firmenich, the manufacturer of Bovaer® feed supplement, provides the following information on the safety of the feed supplement:
- Bovaer® is a science-based solution that has been studied for more than 15 years. Over the past decade, the substance has been studied in more than 150 trials in 28 countries and under different feeding systems, all of which have been published in more than 85 peer-reviewed scientific journals.
- Bovaer® feed supplement has market approval in the EU and has been approved for use in dairy cattle feed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA). Both authorities have concluded that the use of the substance is safe both for consumers and animals.
- The feeding solution does not affect the quality or composition of milk or meat and does not have residues in the milk, meat or manure. The feeding solution does not affect the quality or composition of milk or meat and does not have residues in the milk, meat or manure. Bovaer® is fully metabolized by the cow and is not present in milk or meat, so there is no consumer exposure. It never enters into milk and therefore does not reach consumers consuming dairy products.
More detailed questions and answers can be found on the DSM website.
Valio has approximately 3,400 dairy farms across Finland. We have tested the feeding solution that reduces methane production, and the practical experience has been very good. The feeding solution is currently in use at a few dozen Valio dairy farms.
Bovaer® feed supplement is not used in organic production.
At Valio, we trust the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) study on the safety of the feed supplement and its market approval in the EU. In Finland, the safety and use of feed authorised for farm animals is overseen by the Finnish Food Authority.
Read more about Valio’s food safety and quality.
Read more about Valio’s sustainability program and climate work