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A love for the work

A love for the work

While many of us are still curled up in bed, the morning shift starts at the Täperä farm in Vieremä. Right around five o’clock, Laura Kauhanen heads out to milk the cows while her husband Henri Remes and their young daughter Mette get to sleep in a bit longer. The choice of careers that this thirty-year-old couple made runs in their blood: it’s a calling and a lifestyle. When the heart is in it, the people and the animals thrive.

Henri’s workday starts a little later with Mette. They tend to feed the calves and do other chores that the little helper can handle. In addition to taking care of the animals, the day includes working in the field and paper work. The days are long but the work is a way of life that isn’t run on a time card. Pride and a love for the work are reflected in everything.

The thirty-year-old couple already has a respectable history in farm management: Henri took the reins from his parents when he was just 19. Laura is also from Vieremä, but they didn’t meet in their home village; they met online – as is the trend these days. Laura, who has a master’s degree in health sciences, ultimately returned to her roots via Holland; as she puts it, “you can’t escape your destiny.” She was naturally drawn to farming, and this is officially her second year as a farm wife on the Täperä farm.

“The best thing is working in line with your own values”

Täperä farm
Täperä farm
Täperä farm
Täperä farm
Täperä farm
