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Lactose free milk

There is a growing demand for digestive wellness and lactose free can be the answer. EFSA estimates that up to 70% of the world’s population suffers from lactose maldigestion.

Valio FAST TRACK™ technology solution offers an easy way to produce high quality lactose free milk drinks.

  • Lactose level as low as <0.01% in the final product.
  • Nutritional values equal to standard milk.
  • Fresh taste of milk compared to the sweet taste of enzymatically hydrolyzed lactose free milk.
  • Improved shelf life with minimized browning compared to lactose free milk with enzymatic hydrolyzation.
  • Applicable to pasteurized, ESL and UHT milks.
Lactose free milk.

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Take advantage of Valio’s knowhow and learn more on how to improve competitive advantage as well as your and your customers value chain. Together we can take your business to the next level. Contact us today to get started.

Dennis van der Veer

Dennis van der Veer

Head of Customer Development Dairy, Beverages and Lactose Free Technologies
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Taste and flavour are still the top key reason for consuming dairy, with healthiness and natural ingredients acting as the next most important drivers. With an arsenal of 300 patents and market-proven technologies we can assist in developing more nutritional, high protein and sugar-reduced products or entering the lactose free market.
